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BNAP heads to Skills USA

Our goal is to get membership in Skills USA and get every local to enroll in team competition for apprentices.

Mark Wertz, BNAP Coordinator

AD-CSO and Director of Recruiting Monte Causey mans the BNAP booth at Skills USA.

Several union leaders attended an April Skills USA competition in Houston, Texas, to get the word out about the Boilermaker National Apprentice Program. The post-secondary competition hosted young men and women from across Texas to vie for prizes using a wide variety of skills, including welding fabrication and team welding.

Skills USA is fertile ground to seed information about BNAP’s four-year program, where apprentices earn money working while they gain skills needed to work as a Boilermaker.

BNAP Coordinator Mark Wertz along with IR-CSO Anthony Howell, AD-CSO, Director of Recruiting Monte Causey and IR/CSO and L-2060 business agent James Cain met in person with students to discuss their possible future and job opportunities with the Boilermakers. Lone Star State District Manager Clay Herford also attended Skills USA and convinced a few students to sign up the next day at his local lodge.

Wertz encourages all locals to send apprentices to the competition.

“My understanding is that every local can compete and be a part of Skills USA,” Wertz said. “Our goal is to get membership in Skills USA and get every local to enroll in team competition for apprentices.”

Wertz said apprentices would compete against colleges in teams of four, “It’s a great way to get the Boilermaker Apprenticeship Program front and center at these events,” he said, not just with potential members but also with schools and instructors.